William Martell Easton was born in Greenville, Beaver County, Utah to William Joseph Easton
and Eva jane Barton Easton on October 29, 1903. He was the third born in a family of 10 children. His
brothers and sisters are: Wanda Iretta Easton, born March 5, 1899, died October 20, 1970; Angus Barton
Easton, born November 30, 1900, died November 22, 1963; Vona Rosetta Easton, born December 19, 1904,
died May 18, 1988; John Wallace Easton, born Frbruary 20, 1907, died May 14, 1907; Irene Jane Easton,
born May 6, 1908, died November 6, 1963; Robert Ray Easton, born May 30, 1911, died November 9, 1986;
David Ralph Easton, born December 15, 1913, died January 5, 1915; James Mack Easton, born November 5,
1915, died February, 2003; and Eva Merle Easton, born August 5, 1918, died June 19, 1987.
Martell's life in Greenville was a happy life. His parents and brothers and sisters were kind and
loving and they had many good times together. Birthdays and holidays were especiaal fun and exciting.
It seems that as Christmas approached each year they were plagued with many of the common childhood
diseases. Gifts for Christmas were scarce, some years the only present they would receive was an orange,
but the family was always grateful for what they had - each other.
Martell was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on July 2, 1911 and
was confirmed on the same day by Orson Blackner.
Martell started school at age 6 in the Greenville school. His favorite teachers were: Clair McMullin
and Fletcher Barton. He was a good student and did well with Math. He was exceptionally gifted in hand
writing. Martell's nickname was "Danny".
Times were hard for the Easton's, and jobs were very scarce. Martell's dad hauled freight from Beaver
to Milford. In the winter it was an excruciating task to cope with the cold and snow. Martell accompaied
his dad on these trips. Many times they would be so cold that they would get off the wagon and walk to get
warm. On many of these trips it would get dark and they would make their beds under the wagon. Often the
snow would cover their beds. His dad would get up, start a fire, cook breakfast and then they would be on
their way. This was the same scenario that took place as they went to the mountains to obtain fire wood.
During the flu epidemic in 1918, Martell was working for the railroad in Milford. He became very ill
with the flu and his dad went to Milford to take care of him along with his brother Gus and two of their
friends. He was ill from the flu for sometime and probably attribted to him getting rheumatic fever.
This illness affected his legs and he could not walk for some time. He would ride the horse to get where
he wanted to go until he could walk.
In 1922 the family moved to Beaver. He worked for his Uncle Ken Barton at the Beaver Drug Store. He
was a great asset to the business because people liked Martell for his good humor and wit. He was a
friend to everyone. He learned much about the business world working for Ken. This experience gave
him the desire to, some day, own his own business, especially a Drug Store. He learned the art of
filling prescriptions with expertise, and was trusted completely with this job. He worked hard and
long hours to make a living for his family. His salary for one month was $65.00.
Martell met and maried his sweetheart Ella Nowers on September 22, 1927. He and Ella had a whirlwind
courtship. They loved each other and had many good times with their families and friends. Betty was
born on July 5, 1929.
In 1930, Martell was offered a job in Eureka, Utah at Raymer Drug. This was quite an experience for
both he and Ella, leaving Beaver. They had never been away from home before. Homesick, you bet! In 1932
Martell's Uncle Ez Barton asked him to come back to Beaver and work for him in the Beaver Merc. They
were happy to be back in Beaver. Helen was born January 18, 1933. About two years later, his Uncle
Ken Barton was in an automobile accident, suffering a broken neck. He needed Martell to help manage
the store, so he again went to work for his Uncle Ken Barton. He loved this type of work. In the Beaver
Drug there was a soda fountain, where soft drinks and ice cream were sold. Martell made the ice cream
for the drug store. This was a very enjoyable assignment, and one that he really delighted in doing.
This was the meeting place for many of the students from Beaver High School, along with many citizens
of Beaver. This was part of the social life in Beaver. Go to Beaver Drug for a coke or ice cream.
Martell, in lifetime, also worked for J. F. Tolton in his mercantile business; for Rue Heppler,
managing his service station; and for the Utah State Liquor Control Commission. He had the expertise
of working in the public and managing these businesses.
Martell was interested in politics and tried his hand at it by running for Beaver County Clerk.
He was defeated by Taylor Farnsworth. He was disappointed, but eager to try it again some day.
His big dream came true and he opened his own business as Martell's Drug, located in the Firmage
Theater Building on main street. He and Ella were very successful in this business, and again Martell
was able to work with and serve the citizens of Beaver. David Martell was born on May 1, 1945. What a
joy this little guy brought to the whole family. Martell worked hard for his family from early in the
morning until late at night. He was talented, artistically. The windows in his store were always
decorated with taste, as well as the displays in the store. At Christmas time, the windows were decorated
with holiday paintings and he displayed lovely jewelry. Many were the times when Betty and Helen would
drop in the store after school and Martell would excape across the street and join some of his buddies
in the pool hall. He loved to tell stories and play jokes on his friends.
The time was right for Martell to pursue politics again. In 1947, he was eleced as a Beaver Councilman
for a term of four years. Upon the expiration of this four year term, he did not choose to run for
re-election. However, in 1955, he again chose to run for election again as a councilman. This was for a
two year term. During this time he had the desire to try his chances at seeking the office of mayor. He
was a candidate for this office in 1957. He was elected to be the mayor of Beaver City. He spent many hours
and worked hard for the trust the people of Beaver had placed in him. During his term as mayor, the city
council adopted the Mayor/City Manager arrangement of government and Martell became the first
Mayor/City Manager of Beaver City. Beaver soon began to "come out of it's shell", and move ahead. At this
time there was a total of only 5 blocks of oiled streets in the entire city of Beaver. Under his leadership,
by the Fall of 1959, there were 17 mile of completely oiled streets. All accomplished by the City and
Beaver County personnel. During his tenure as City Manager he worked right along with the City employees.
Often when he would go home for lunch, he would arrive with gloves on his hands and was wearing a cap
and work clothes. He loved driving the back hoe. Ella had a hard time with this because she was used to
him wearing a white shirt and tie every day.
Martell was very instrumental in many developments within the city during his tenure as Mayor. He
played an improtant role in the establishment of Beaver's first sewing factory, which proved that
industry could in fact be successfully accomplished in Beaver. Martell, along with others made a
very impressive input into the development of the Beaver Golf Course. He was a strong backer and
advocate of the Beaver Dairy District Derby horse racing. This event was sponsored by the Beaver
Lion's Club, of which he was a member. He was very instrumental in the acquisition fo the famous
Beaver Opera House from the Utah National Guard. It was during Martell's term of office that the
Water Master Plan was developed and adopted and the complete upgrading of the Beaver City Culinary
Water System was completed. His interest and upgrading of the Mountain View Cemetery was another
of his top priorities. Many responsibilities of the utmost importance were never acknowledged. He
was not one to brag of or make issue of his accomplishments, but rather he just took them in stride.
He was not only a supervisor, but also a worker!
During his administration Martell was effective as the official representative of Beaver City.
He created a forward image of Beaver, the city he loved, within the eyes of those he contacted
who had business interests in the city. His actions, comments, and activities clearly reflected
the personalities, the thoughts, and the characterization of Beaver's citizens. In his capacity
as Beaver City Councilman, Mayor and Mayor/City Manager of Beaver, his accomplishments will long
be remembered. During this time as mayor, Martell and Ella attended many Municipal League
conventions in Salt Lake City, Utah. He was, at one time, elected to be on the Board of Directors
for the Municipal League.
After Martell had been Mayor/City Manager for either six or eight years, some members of the City
Council decided to do away with the City Manager job. This was very disappointing for him. He
resigned as mayor and on March 26, 1963, Martell, Ella and David moved to Cedar City, Utah where
he managed the Knell Motel. They loved this job and had many friends. They were able to talk to
people from many foreign countries about the beauties of Southern Utah. They worked for the Knell
family until October 15, 1968. He was a member of the Cedar City Lion's Club; a member of the
Cedar City Chamber of Commerce and served on the board of directors. He was appointed executive
sectetary of the Chamber fo Commerce in 1968. The lived in Cedar City for eleven and a half years.
While in Cedar City, Martell was ordained a High Priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood of The
Church of Jesus Christ of Larrer-Day Saints. He received this advancement on January 12, 1975.
He was a member of the Cedar City Second Ward in the Cedar City, Utah West Stake.
Martell and Ella had two tragedies happen in their family. Bruce Marlo Stones, son of Betty
and Daniel Marlo Stones, died on February 28, 1970 from cancer. He had this terrible disease
for 16 months. David, their only son, drowned in the family swimming pool on June 5, 1972
in Phoenix, Arizona where he was stationed with the United States Air Force. He held the rank
of Captian. He was in training as a Tactical Air Command F-4 Navigator. David had served T.D.Y.,
Tour of Duty, at Kadena Air Forc Base in Okinawa and at the Strategic Air Force Base in Southeast
Asia as a B-52 navigator. Needless to say, these tragedies affected the lives of all involved.
Martell and Ella never fully recovered from these two heartbreaking experiences.
Martell and Ella moved back to Beaver in November of 1976. They lived in the Riley apartments
on Center street. Martell's sister, Vona Cox, and sister-in-law, Gertrude Easton, lived in
apartments there also. They had many good times together, talking over old times and enjoying
each others company. Martell had many health problems during his lifetime. He had rheumatoid
arthritis for many years that affected his feet and hands. However, he didn't let this disease
affect his love for life and his determination to carry on, and he maintained his great
personality and his great sense of humor. He passed away on February 5, 1982. Ella moved to the
Hill Top apartments by the Beaver City Hospital, and lived their until her death on April 23, 1993.
Martell was a great family man. He loved Ella, Betty, Helen and David and was involved always
in their lives. Betty married Daniel Marlo Stones on May 10, 1951. They had two children, Bruce
Marlo and Brenda. Helen married Francis Dean Hunger on December 28, 1955. They had six children:
Nancy, William Dean, Suzanne, and Douglas David. Two of their children were still born, Francis
Neal and Amy Elizabeth. David married Christene Heaton on December 17, 1966. They had two children, Nicole
Christene and Nathan Martell. Martell was very proud of their accomplishments and enjoyed being
with them when these important events came about. He loved his children and grandchildren. He and
Ella traveled to many places to be in attendance at their special functions.
When we were young, Sunday was about the only day that Martell and his family had to be together.
Most of his businesses were open six days a week. Therefore, the family was not in their Church
meetings every Sunday. However, this did not deter Martell from having a strong testimony of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. He and Ella were sealed in the St. George Temple on December 28, 1955.
Many a Sunday would find the family on a picnic up Beaver Canyon, just to be together. A trip to
Puffer's Lake and a visit with Ed and Clerynth Larson at their Puffer's Lake Lodge. We would get
a drink of water from a cold mountain spring or go to Kent's Lake to fish and have a sage brush
fire. Trips to Big John's Flat to see the big deer was another special outing. Martell loved to go
deer hunting. Ponderosa Park was another fun spot for cooking hamburgers and hot dogs over the
coals and puting a watermelon in the Beaver river to keep it cold. What else could one ask for:
Family, good food and being in the mountains. Another highlight on Sunday was to visit his mother
and dad. There was always a most delicious rice pudding, made in a large blue pan with small dots
all over it. The pudding had been cooked in the oven of a large, black coal burning stove
Martell lived a good life and was loved greatly by his family.