William Martell Easton
October 29, 1902 - February 5, 1982


William Martell Easton

October 29, 1902

Born in Greenville, Beaver County, Utah

July 2, 1911

Baptized and Confirmed as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Orson Blackner


Family moved to Beaver City. He went to work for his Uncle Ken Barton in the Beaver Drug Store.

September 22, 1927

Married Ella Nowers in Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah

July 5, 1929

Their daughter Betty was born.


Moved the family to Eureka, Utah where he went to work for Raymer Drug


Moved back to Beaver City in order to work for his Uncle Ez Barton in the Beaver Mercentile

January 18, 1933

Daughter Helen was born.


Went back to work for his Uncle Ken Barton in the Beaver Drug Store.

About 1945

Opened up Martell's Drug store in the Firmage Theater Building on main street.

May 1, 1945

Son David Martell was born.


Elected to a four year term as a Beaver City Councilman.


After taking four years off, he was elected to a two year term as Beaver City Councilman.


Elected to be the Mayor of Beaver City.


Beaver City adopted the Mayor/City Manager arrangement and so he also became the Beaver City Manager.


City Council decided to do away with the City Manager job and so disappointed with the decision, Martell resigned as Mayor. On March 26, 1963, Martell, Ella and David moved to Cedar City, Utah where he to a job as manager of the Knell Motel.


Appointed Executive Secretary of the Cedar City Chamber of Commerece.

January 12, 1975

Ordained as a High Priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

November 1976

Martell and Ella moved back to Beaver City where they lived in the Riley apartments on Center street.

February 5, 1982

Passed away at the age of 79.



This page last updated on February 17, 2014 .