Sarah James Flake

April 4, 1847 - October 12, 1897


On January 23, 1866, Sarah James Flake married Joseph Hyrum Levie in Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah. They had six children, Frederick Hyrum, Ida Nevada, Sarah Charlotte, Agnes Haley Mahala, and twins, Clarence Henry and Clara Henry.

Sarah Ann with the twins Clarence Henry and Clara Elizabeth

4 April 1847 Winter Quarters, Douglas, Nebraska, Sarah is listed as 1 year old when they were on their journey, per the roster of the Willard Richards Company. They arrived October 10-19 1848, making her just over 1 year old

The Willard Richards 1848 Pioneer Company had 526 individuals in the company when it began its journey from the outfitting post at --Winter Quarters, Nebraska. This company was divided into two sections, Willard Richards section and Amasa Lyman Section. The Lyman section left the outfitting post on 1 July and the Richards section left on 3 July. Members of the company arrived in Salt Lake City from 10-19 October 1848.

The Flake family members in the Company were the following:
Flake, Agnes Haley 28, 6 November 1819 - 25 January 1855
Flake, Carlotty L. 10, ca. 1838 - Unknown
Flake, Charles Love 5, 31 August 1842 - 1864
Flake, James Madison 33, 22 June 1815 - 23 May 1850
Flake, Sarah James 1, 4 April 1847 - 12 October 1910
Flake, William Jordan 9, 3 July 1839 - 10 August 1932

The Mormon migration to the Salt Lake Valley began in February 4, 1846 with the exodus from Nauvoo, Illinois. Many of the Saints crossed Iowa and spent the winter of 1846-47 in a temporary station they called "Winter Quarters" near present day Omaha, Nebraska. On April 14, 1847, Brigham Young left Winter Quarters and led the Pioneer Company to the Salt Lake Valley (hereafter referred to as the "Valley") and declared it the new home for the Latter-day Saints.

At the time Willard Richards company arrived at Fort Bridger, on October 5, 1848, a man referred to as W. Vasquez was in charge of the fort and had employed a few Mormons. There was also a woman there whose husband had "died on the road and she was left on the Prairie with her team. After Fort Bridger, the Mormons had 113 more miles to the Salt Lake Valley

I am the resurrection and the Life, Saith the Lord:
He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
and though his body be destroyed, yet shall I see GOD:
whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not as a stranger.

We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. AMEN
