Mette Jensen

November 24, 1834 - January 20, 1910


Mette Jensen (Jensdatter), the daughter of Jens Nielsen and Ane Isaacssen (Isaacsdatter) was born on the 24th of November 1834 at Vindig, Vejle, Denmark. She was christened on the 4th of January 1835 at Horsted Mark, Højen, Vejle, Denmark.

She married Anders Mikkelsen and to them were born 4 children: Mikkel Anders born the 13th of November 1866, James born the 20th of December 1870, and twins, Anna Sophia Dorthea and Soren Peter who were born on the 17th of July 1875.

Mette, her husband Anders, and oldest son, Mikkel Anders, who was then 12 years old, joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on the 12th of April 1878 and were all baptized on the same day.

Five years later, in 1883, her husband and oldest son came to America and she and the other children came later. She often told of how as far as she could see her mother was standing on the dock waving her handkerchief. They knew that they would never see each other again.

They settled in Fountain Green Utah. They took out their endowments and were sealed to each other on the 13th of February 1889.

They raised all the meat that they used in their home and she did all of the butchering of the pigs and sheep. She used every bit of the animal. Even the entrails were washed and cleaned, then filled with sausage and twisted every so far. They were then smoked and hung in the cellar until they were all used.

She was a very good cook and one thing she enjoyed making was Danish Rye Bread. It was made in loaves about 18 inches long and 4 or 5 inches thick. She would often send loaves of this bread to her children and grandchildren for Christmas. The bread was especially good when eaten with a cheese she made from clabbered milk and caraway seeds.

She had a big feather bed. Her grandchildren just loved to sleep in it. And sleep in it, it was too. Because when you laid on it you would sink way down in it. Hanging right over the bed was a braided rope made of different colored pieces of cotton materials with a tasseled ball on the end. This rope was fastened to the ceiling and was used to help pull yourself out of the bed. She died at the age of 75 (20 January 1910) at Fountain Green, Utah and is buried there.

Anders Mikkelsen was born on the 27th of September 1837 in Bredballe, Ribe, Vejle, Denmark. He is the son of Mikkel Andersen and Dorthea Marie Jacobsen. He married Mette Jensen and they had four children: Mikkel Anders, James, and twins Ane Sophi Dorthea and Soren Peter. He was a shoemaker by trade.

He was baptized and confirmed a member of the LDS church by J Lehristians on 12 Apr 1878. He was ordained a teacher by J. Nielsen on the 11th of August 1878, and later was ordained an Elder by J. Nielsen on the 20th of October 1878.

He and his oldest son, Mikkel Anders, came to America five years after the family joined the church. They prepared the way for the rest of the family to come later.

They made their home in Fountain Green, Sanpete county, Utah. Here he continued his trade of making shoes. Sometimes he and his son Jim (James) would make shoes and send to his grandchildren for Christmas.

He and his wife took out their endowments and were sealed to each other on the 13th of February 1889.

He was in an accident going after fire wood up the canyon. His horses ran away with him and the wagon. He lost the sight of his left eye. They said it was laying out on his cheek when they got to him. His leg was also injured. Because they didn't feel that he would live they never bothered to set it or fix it. As a result he was crippled for the rest of his life.

He lived to the age of 72 and died on the 3rd of January 1919 at Fountain Green, Sanpete, Utah where he is also buried.

(History compiled and edited by Elaine Schwab Robbins, a great-granddaughter)

Mette Jensen (Jensdatter), the daughter of Jens Nielsen and Ane Isaacssen (Isaacsdatter) was born on the 24th of November 1834 at Vindig, Vejle, Denmark. She was christened on the 4th of January 1835 at Horsted Mark, Højen, Vejle, Denmark.

She married Anders Mikkelsen and to them were born 4 children: Mikkel Anders born the 13th of November 1866, James born the 20th of December 1870, and twins, Anna Sophia Dorthea and Soren Peter who were born on the 17th of July 1875.

Mette, her husband Anders, and oldest son, Mikkel Anders, who was then 12 years old, joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on the 12th of April 1878 and were all baptized on the same day.

Five years later, in 1883, her husband and oldest son came to America and she and the other children came later. She often told of how as far as she could see her mother was standing on the dock waving her handkerchief. They knew that they would never see each other again.

They settled in Fountain Green Utah. They took out their endowments and were sealed to each other on the 13th of February 1889.

They raised all the meat that they used in their home and she did all of the butchering of the pigs and sheep. She used every bit of the animal. Even the entrails were washed and cleaned, then filled with sausage and twisted every so far. They were then smoked and hung in the cellar until they were all used.

She was a very good cook and one thing she enjoyed making was Danish Rye Bread. It was made in loaves about 18 inches long and 4 or 5 inches thick. She would often send loaves of this bread to her children and grandchildren for Christmas. The bread was especially good when eaten with a cheese she made from clabbered milk and caraway seeds.

She had a big feather bed. Her grandchildren just loved to sleep in it. And sleep in it, it was too. Because when you laid on it you would sink way down in it. Hanging right over the bed was a braided rope made of different colored pieces of cotton materials with a tasseled ball on the end. This rope was fastened to the ceiling and was used to help pull yourself out of the bed.

She died at the age of 75 (20 January 1910) at Fountain Green, Utah and is buried there.
