David Miller

October 20, 1827 - May 8, 1890


History of David Miller

One of the First Four Settlers of Greenville, Utah

David Miller, son of Charles Stewart and Mary Miller, born October 20 1827 in the town of Rutherglen Parish, Scotland. He was baptized September 1846, by Andrew Ferguson, and was confirmed by September 12, 1846. He died May 8, 1890 in Greenville, Beaver County, Utah.

He married Margaret Fife, daughter of Adam and Ellen Fife, born July 25, 1829, in the town of Deavin Clockmanan, Shire, Scotland. She died January 1, 1915, in Greenville.

The Miller family came from Scotland to St. Louis Mossouri about 1849. During the year of 1849, there was an epidemic of Cholra in St. Louis, both Great Grandfather and Great Grandmother Miller died from it, she in June and he in July, just one week apart. Leaving the family to finish the journey to Utah alone. David was 23 years old at that time, his sister, Ellen, was only five years old. It fell to his lot to care for this tiny sister.

We next find them in Parowan, Iron County, Utah, then Ogden, Weber County, Utah, then Greenville, Beaver County, Utah. During this time he met and married Margaret Fife.

Margaret has a story equally as interesting as David's/ Her parents Helen Sharp and Adam Fife, were married in Glockmananshire, Scotland in 1825. When she was sixteen years old, they were converted to the Gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints while they were in Scotland. However, they had to wait until they had sufficient means before they could travel to the promised land. They kept sacred the teachings of the Lord, and labored hard to enable them to bring their families to the promised land for the sake of the Gospel.

Margaret was a very affectionate mother and had sixteen children, three were buried in Scotland and one at sea. They came to America in 1849 with Captain Wilkies Company. While on board, Cholera broke out and it took all the weights and pieces of coal they could spare to weigh down the bodies of the dead before they were thrown into the sea. When little Helen died, there were no weights left to put on her body, so far into the night they could see her body floating on the ocean.

They lived in St. Louis for two years and in 1851, enduring all the trials and hardshipe of Pioneer life, she walked and carried her baby all the way across the plains to Salt Lake City, Utah. Arriving in Salt Lake in September of 1851, they made their home for two years before moving to Iron County where they lived for three years. In 1856, they moved to Riverdale near Ogden Utah and Margaret accompanied her parents on this journey.

During this time David and Margaret met and were married. They must have spent some time in Ogden, as the records show some of their children were born in that vicinity. Charles Adam in 1856 in Ogden and Margaret Agnes on February 4, 1860. In March of that same year, they moved to Greenville, Utah.

They bought a log house in Beaver and moved it to Greenville along with three other families and their houses; namely George Horton, Samuel Edwards, and William Richards. These houses were located along Dry Creek, close together too, for protection from the Indians.

 David Miller was 34 years old at this time.His little sister Ellen had grown into a beautiful girl of sixteen, and after two weeks of courtship, she married William Edwards, the nineteen year old son of Samuel Edwards.

Soon David built the rock house now owned by the Blaine Blacketts. Sometime later he built an addition to the house and established the first store in Greenville. In 1880, he was appointed Postmaster aned this new room served for both store and post office. The post office section was shelves on the south wall with a table nearby that was used as a desk and counter. On the west side was the store part, shelves were nailed on the wall to hold the bolts of bright colored calicos, denimins, bed ticking, as well as groceries. Butter, eggs, and grain were exchanged for merchandise which he would freight out to the mines at Frisco along with fresh garden produce from his own gardens in the summer. The piece of land across the street from my Mother, now owned by Lorette Thompson was Grandfathers garden spot. His skill as a gardner was outstanding, the huge heads of red lettuce and big white onions, with all other vegetables were freely given to his neighbors as well as trucked to Frisco.

He also farmed, he owned ten acres near Kent Morgan's farm, fractions of acres known as the "Garden Lots", which were later owned by the Thompson Brothers. Two acres joining the fFrank Morris property, two acres where my mother now lives, except where the house stands.

Twice each year, in the spring and in the fall, David would go to Salt Lake City by team and wagon for merchandise for the store. The trip would take two weeks. Members of the family would accompany him on these trips and would visit Margaret's family. On one of these trips one of the children fell over the front of the wagon and was kicked to death by a horse.

Fletcher Barton, a grandson of David Miller, told me his mother had related many interesting stories about her trips to Salt Lake City in the covered wagon with David.

He was Postmaster from 1880 to 1886, the second Postmaster in Greenville. He was superintendent of the Sunday School for many years. Being very religious, he took an active part in all church and community activities. He was honest to a fault, his son Charles related many instances when his father would walk two miles to return a stamp he owed.

The children of the neighborhood would take an egg to the store and exchange it for candy. Uncle Will Miller has told about when he was a boy they would play ball in the next room, and when their father refused to give them more candy, they would make it a point to knock the ball into the store behind the counter and snitch a few pieces of candy on the way.

I am very happy to have a herritage such as this, and I am very happy of the opportunity to compile this history. Some of these incidents were told to me by my mother, Julia King Griffiths, who at this time is 85 years old. She is the wife of David Miller and Margaret Fife's son, David James Miller.

I am happy to deposit this history in the treasure chest for the future generations, that they might know of the goodness and greatness of these courageous Pioneers.

Mary Priscilla Miller McQueen
July 24, 1960

Margaret Fife, David's Wife



This page last updated on March 04, 2010 .