Sally Penn

May 15, 1800 - May 11, 1882

Sally Penn Barton's Grave in the Parowan Cemetery

Paragonah, Utah 11 June 1857

A patriarchal Blessing by P. Morley, upon the head of Sally Barton, daughter of Joseph and Sally Penn. Born 15 May 1800 A.D. in Elbert County, Georgia.

Sister Sally, in the name of the Lord, I lay my hands upon thy head and seal a father's blessing. The Lord hast blessed thee as a Mother in Israel. Thou will be found with the daughter's of Zion in laying the foundation of Zion, for the building up of Christ's Kingdom in the last days. Thou art blessed as one of the Mothers of Israel in rearing sons who are to be the seal of R-ax. They will honor thee as their mother. They will preserve thy name and memory from generation to generation. Thou are separated for a little season from thy bosom companion. Thou shalt be blessed in his society in the morning of the resurrection, when thou will enjoy of the patriarchal order, where thy family will be organized.

Thy name and memory will be known to the latest ages of posterity. The Lord will bless thee with the blessings of life. He will crown thy table with the fruit of the earth because of the fidelity of thy heart, and the integrity of thy mind. Thou shalt be blessed with the society and fellowship of thy Brethren. Thou wilt yet live to see many changes among the inhabitants of the earth, and many of the full fillings of the prophecies of the coming of the son of man. Thy mind will often be comforted in thy meditation. The spirit of thy partner is often near thee; when thou art comforted in thy meditation, his spirit is the balm of thy mind. Thou will oft be comforted by the soothing influence of his regard.


This page last updated on September 14, 2011 .