Katie Bell (Jensen) Levi
September 12, 1878 - August 17, 1963


Four Generations, Letty, Jeannie, Katie, Chid, Neils


Katie Bell (Jensen) Levi

September 12, 1878

Born in Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah


Baptized in the Beaver River by William P. Jones

October 6, 1898

Married Neils Jensen by Brother J. F. Tolton

About 1898

Moved to Richfield, Sevier County, Utah

September 7, 1899

Clerynth was born in Richfield, Sevier County, Utah

December 24, 1904

Norma was born in Richfield, Sevier County, Utah

October 15, 1906

Letty was born in Richfield, Sevier County, Utah

Spring of 1910

Moved back to Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah

December 10, 1910

Julia Faye was born in Beaver City

August 17, 1963

Died in her home in Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah at the age of 84.


This page last updated on March 03, 2010 .