Peter Jensen

September 21, 1836 - May 3, 1914



Peter Jensen

September 21, 1836

Born in Skerup, Vejle, Denmark

Early 1860's

Came to America


Traveled across the plains with oxen teams teams, to Salt Lake City, Utah..


Met Bodild Jensen and they were married in Nebraska City, Nebraska.


They arrived in Salt Lake City in the late summer

Late 1864, Early 1865

At the request of Brigham Young, they moved to Iron County.


His wife Bodild died.

Late 1880's early 1890's

Signed a contract to haul supplies to mines in Utah and Nevada from Beaver and Milford. His 14 year old son was the driver of a 4-horse team.

Late 1880's early 1890's

Established a eating and rooming house (The Jensen House) in Beaver for traveling salesman who were known as "drummers".


Sold the Jensen House (Boarding) and invested in land north-west of Beaver.


Sold his farm and retired.

May 3, 1914

Died in Richfield, Utah at the age of 77.


This page last updated on September 08, 2011 .