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The Beaver Press, Friday March 5, 1948

BHS Cagers to Enter State Tourney

THE 1948 BEAVER HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL SQUAD – Standing, back row, left to right: Robert Lee, Ross Van Orden, Lewis Gillies (not on squad now), Dick Horton, Douglas McShane, Jerry Robinson, Leon Swindlehurst, Ray Pearce, Jack Hollingshead, Fay Ashworth, and Coach Mel Heslington. Front row, left to right: Jack Heslington, athletic manager; Wayne Christensen, Frank Manzione, Gordon Manzione, and Mitchell Martin. They will leave Beaver Tuesday morning for Salt Lake City. Many to accompany them.


Eight league games were played in the Millard Division of Region Six, with the following scores of the Beaver games:


Millard --- 24           Beaver --- 30

Milford --- 32          Beaver --- 43

Hinckley—23          Beaver---  51

Delta-------36          Beaver ----39

Millard-----22          Beaver----31

Milford----36           Beaver----31

Hinckley----40          Beaver----43

Delta--------25          Beaver-----35




                      W        L          Pct.

Beaver         7          1          .875

Delta            5          3           .625

Millard         4          4          .500

Hinckley      2          6         .250

Milford        2           6         .250



Totals of individual scores in the Millard Division at the end of league plays shows that Ray Pearce has lead the district all through the season and ends with a total of 115 points. His average of 14.4 points per game may rank as one of the best in the state this season.

After several years’ absence at the state tournament, Beaver is returning for the second straight year to the big meet. Beaver is one of six teams participating in last year’s competition which is returning to play this year.

The State Athletic Association pays the expenses for ten men, the coach, and athletic manager for five days. Coach Mel Heslington has given the list of the ten-man squad expected to leave here early Tuesday morning and return Sunday.

A Committee from the Lions Club has been appointed to raise funds to send the remaining three boys, who have practiced during the entire year with the team. It is expected that sufficient funds will be secured to send them to the meet.

A practice session will be held Tuesday afternoon at the University of Utah Field House, according to the present schedule.

Many townspeople and parents of the boys, together with a large group of student-rooters are planning to accompany the team. Any one going to Salt Lake having a vacant seat in their car is urged to contact the office at the high school.

Coach Heslington has chosen the following ten boys to make the tournament trip: Jack Hollingshead, captain; Ray Pearce, Douglas McShane, Richard Horton, Fay Ashworth, Ross Van Orden, Robert Lee, Gordon Manzione, Leon Swindlehurst, Jerry Robinson, and Jack Heslington, athletic manager.


Beaver high school wound up in first place in the Millard Division, with a 35 – 25 victory over second-place Delta Friday night, to qualify for the Utah State Class B Basketball Tournament.

After getting off to a 4 – 0 lead in the opening minutes of play, the Delta team never again was in the lead. The Rabbits challenged as the third period closed, with Beaver holding a 22-21 advantage, but the Beavers pulled away to score 13 points while holding the visitors to four points in the last canto.

Ray Pearce, the leading scorer of the league, went out on fouls early in the third period, and Jack Hollingshead, hard-playing guard, also was eliminated via the foul route in the last quarter, but Ross Van Orden and Robert Lee turned in sparkling reserve performances.

Douglas McShane, playing his last high school league game was high-point man, with nine counters. Pearce and Lee dunked seven each, but every of the seven men got into the scoring column. The Beavers connected with 50% of their free tosses.

Hurricane won the Dixie Division for a place in the tournament, and Delta will meet Cedar City for the right to represent Region 6 as runner up in the state joust. The game will be played at Cedar City on Friday or Saturday of this week following a loss of two games by Parowan to Cedar City, one by only one point and the other by two.

A rejuvenated Milford squad swamped the Hinckley quint 56 – 33 at Milford Friday night to chalk up their second victory of the entire season.

                    Beaver                                                 Delta

                              G       T       F       P                               G     T       F       P

Pearce, F.                2        4        3        7        Fullmer, F.      3     1        0         6

McShane, F.           3        7        3        9        Hortin, F.        3     3         2         8

Ashworth, C.          2        2        0        4         Finlinson, C.    1    3        0       4

Horton, G.              1        4        2         4        Sheriff, G.       1    5        1       3

Hollingshead, G.      1        2        1         3        McAllister, G.  2    1        1       5

Van Orden, G.         0        1        1        1        Johnson, G.      0    1        1       1

Lee, F.                    3        2        1        7         Kelley, G.        0   0        0        0

Totals:                    12      22      11      35                               10  14      5       25


Score by Quarters:

Delta                     8        15      21      25

Beaver                    12     19      22      35

Students home from the BYU at Provo, over the week-end were, Ina Marie McQuarrie, Betty Easton, Roberta Muir, Ruth Joseph, Douglas McMullin, and Joe Manzione.



This page last updated on September 27, 2011 .