Robert Easton

July 27, 1821 - May 25, 1887


Robert Easton

July 27, 1821

Born Dykehead, Oldmonkland, Scotland

October 22, 1842

Married his first wife, Margaret Lindsay

December 7, 1842

Daughter Jennette was born

March 24,1842

Baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


Immigrated to the United States and ending up in St. Louis, Missouri


Married his second wife, Mary Miller


Left St. Louis and settled in Greenville, Beaver County, Utah

Late 1851

Called by Brigham Young to colonize Cedar City, Utah


Moved from Cedar City and settled in lower Beaver or Minersville

March 21, 1857

Married his third wife, Agnes Miller


Performed a mission to his native land, Scotland.


Arrested under the Edmund's law

May 25, 1887

Died in Greenville, Utah, his grave site is not known.



This page last updated on September 09, 2011 .