Lived to the age of seventy-two
Photo to be provided

March 25, 1925

Born in the aristocratic family of Puthiyidathil as the 3rd child of her parents. She was born handicapped with a clubfoot on the right. Her misery began when she lost her mother on the 28th day of her birth. Later she was looked after by her maternal grandmother and step mother.
(Star Aswathy in the month of Kumbham of Malayalam Era 1100)


Started her schooling in a special school meant for the children of the royal family. Because of her handicap, she could not walk to the regular school. Since her father was the son of the King and sanscrit teacher for the royal family, she was given a special permission to attend the special school which was next door to her home.


Passed her matriculation examination (11th Grade) from the S.M.V. English Higher Secondary School, Poonjar. In those days it was considered a high qualification especially for a lady. She could have landed in the job of a teacher or administrator in government with that qualification. But, it was not common for ladies from respected families to look for jobs in those days.


Got married to Narayana Pillay who was her father's sister's son and also her mother's brother's son. Marriage was a simple function conducted in the courtyard of the home. The Bridegroom hands over a traditional dress (Pudava) and ties a talisman (Mangalasutra) around her neck. In those accommodative days her handicap was never an issue for her considerate husband. Her husband was into the grocery business.


First son Vasudevan (Named after God Srikrishna) was born.


Vasudevan died of some unidentified disease in spite of the best medical attention. This was the biggest shock of her life. This incidence pained her even more than her own handicap.


First daughter Rajalekshmi was born. This helped in reducing the agony of the loss of the son.


Second son Venugopal (Named after God Srikrishna) was born. He was not very healthy and gave lots of hardships to her.


Came out of her joint family and started her own nuclear family in a remote part of the village with very little civic amenities and struggled to bring up the home with very little support from other members of her family except for the elder sister.


Third son Radhakrishnan (Again named after God Srikrishna) was born in the new home.


Fourth son Suresh was born only to die after six months.


Fifth son Jayakumar was born. He was a weak child with many childhood health problems.


Sixth son Ashok was born. Pregnency at this advanced age complicated the delivery. She escaped death only by God's grace. She never fully recovered from the physical and mental trauma from this delivery.


Marriage of daughter, Rajalekshmi to N. S. Menon.


Last son, Ashok also left the home for his higher studies, leaving her and her husband all alone at home in the care of servants. All other children were employed and away by this time.


Son Venugopal got married.


Son Radhakrishnan was married. She was very happy about this alliance and liked her daughter-in-law.


Son Jayakumar got married.


Finds it difficult to live alone due to health problems. With great sorrow she decides to leave her home and shift to one of the sons. Went to live with Jayakumar for a few months and then goes to live with Radhakrishnan. Problems of stomach, heart and lungs gave her intermittent problems, necessitating occasional hospitalization.


Ashok got married.


Since Radhakrishnan shifted his job to a distant place outside the state, she goes on to live with her last son Ashok. Health deteriorates further.


Suffers a major heart attack in the car on her way to daughter's home on a visit. Recovers partially after hospitalization. Decides to stay with daughter for better attention.

April 1997

She decides to move back with Ashok and family.

April 25, 1997

Health condition becomes very bad and she was admitted to a hospital. Her condition improved and she could talk and eat properly. But, she had the resigned expression in her face and the hollow look in her eyes.

May 1, 1997

The blessed soul leaves the cage of the physical body to the heavenly abode to enjoy the eternal bliss in the protecting hands of the almighty, where there is no sorrow, no constraints of physical capability, but only unbounded joy!  Moksha, dissolving with the ultimate spirit.

May 2, 1997

As she would have wished (but never expressed), her body was taken to the home she made at Poonjar and consumed to flames by her children, in the presence of a large gathering of the villagers, all of who had tasted her hospitality, love and caring; left to the wilderness in the company of the trees, flowers and birds.


This page last updated on September 08, 2011 .