50th Wedding Anniversary
Neils and Kate grave in Mountain View Cemetery, Beaver, Utah.

My grandfather and grandmother were two very special people. I can remember the later years in their lives when we lived right next door. It seemed like my grandmother was always working in her kitchen. My grandfather liked to visit with me while I was doing the morning or nightly chores. These chores consisted of milking the cows, feeding the sheep and cows and sometimes feeding a calf it's milk from a bucket that had an attached nipple. My grandfather was a large man for his time and had very large hands. When I was married in January of 1962, grandpa Niels had been down with a cold. He came to me during the day to ask me when Robert was going to get married. I told him sometime in April. He simply said, "That's too bad, I won't be here". He died in March, two months later. I am extremely happy to be able to establish this web site in memory of my grandparents. Their stories will always be here for friends and relatives to read and share the memories. It is my hope that as other family members read these stories and view the photos, that they will want to add their memories and old photos to this web biography.


This page last updated on December 31, 2009 .