Steven Smith Barton was born January 3, 1839 in Lebanon, St. Clair County,
Illinois. He was the 9th child of John Barton and Sarah Penn. His siblings were
Elizabeth born on December 27, 1818, William John born on January 30, 1821, John
Wesley born on January 19, 1823, Matilda Jane born on June 15, 1825, Julia King
born on December 9, 1828, Joseph Penn born on May 11, 1821, Sarah Penn born on August
12, 1833, Eliza Ann born on February 24, 1836, and John Samual Jr. born on July 29,
1841. All of the child in Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois
He married Mary Jane Evans on February 5, 1857. He later married Eliza Hoy Smith
Steven's father John Barton was my Great Great Great grandfather on my fathers
side of the family: Richard Easton (1938) -> Ray Easton (1911) -> Eva Jane Barton (1879)
-> John Hunter Barton (1858) -> William John Barton (1821) -> John Barton (1796)
Stephen Smith Barton was born Jan 3, 1839 in Lebanon Ill. He imigrated to Utah
in 1852.He was a carpenter and farmer. He married two women, First Jane Evans, to
them was born three sons and five daughters. His second wife was Eliza Hoy(Smith),
born to them were one son and four daughters.
Stephen was among the first group of 12 men to settle Paragonah. He was an
Indian fighter. He served in the Ward Bishopric for about 20 years, being bishop
while the new church was built. He was Patriarch at the time of his death.
I am the resurrection and the Life, Saith the Lord:
He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet
shall he live:
and whosoever liveth and believeth in
me shall never die.
I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall
stand at the latter day upon the earth:
and though his body be destroyed, yet shall I see GOD:
whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and
not as a stranger.
We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain
we can carry nothing out.
The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be
the name of the LORD. AMEN