Sophronious Barton, daughter of William and Mary Williamson Barton,
was born in Greenville, Beaver County, Utah on January 29, 1871. She was
the 4th child, her other siblings were Mary Ann, born on January 3, 1862;
Amanda, born on July 9, 1865; Rebecca, born on April 6, 1869; Julia King,
born on March 2, 1875; Amy Elizabeth, born on September 22, 1877 and
Charles Hampton, born on April 14, 1880.
Her father William Barton was also married to Sarah Esther West and they had
13 children: Joseph Alma born on December 27, 1818; William Penn, born on January 1,
1853; Daniel King, born on March 11, 1854; Esther Jane, born on June 25, 1856; John
Hunter, born on June 17, 1858; Stephen Rollins, born on July 11, 1860; Sarah Estella,
born on June 6, 1862; Rachel, born on June 23, 1863; Phillip Jack and Stonewall Jackson,
born on January 18, 1864; Lewis, born on May 27, 1867; Hugh Jones, born on July 23,
1868 and Lydia, born on February 16, 1873.
Because Polygamy was endorsed for church leaders, which William was, he married Mary
Williamson, an English emigrant, 28 August 1857. The two families never lived together,
but resided in separate towns. William lived with Mary the rest of his life. This was
because Esther seemed to be self-sufficient.
Sophronious Barton Obituary
Sophronious Barton, daughter of William and Mary Williamson Barton, who died at
Paragonah, Iron County, Utah on the 26th day of May, 1895, was born in Greenville,
Beaver County, Utah on January 29, 1871. She moved with her parents to Paragonah in
The deceased had suffered with liver complaint for upwards of five years, during
which time she was attended by the best physician in Beaver City. During her last
sickness, which was violent, she was prostated for four months. During this sickness,
Dr. Hall of Parowan gave all the attention and assistance that medical science would
suggest to save her life.
The kind attention of loving parents and many willing and earnest friends were
freely bestowed, together with the faith and prayers of the Elders who were called
in to administer to her in her extreme suffering.
Ten days prior to her death an abcess of the liver broke, discharging into the
stomach, causing an outflow of over two gallons from which time she gradually sank
until death came to her relief
She was a member of the Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Association and died
in full faith of the Gospel. She said to her father, a day or two before the end
came, that she had no fear of death and was prepared to meet her God in peace.
The funeral services were held in the Ward meeting house on May 28, 1895, and
were largely attended by a host of family and friends. The speakers were Elder
William Edwards, Elder James B. Davenport, Bishop W. P. Jones and Elder William
Robb Jr., all expressing the kindest of feelings of sympathy on behalf of bereaved
parents and sorrowing friends.
Eighteen vehicles well filled with people, followed the remains to the cemetery
in Parowan, a distance of five miles, through a driving snow and hail storm.
Brother William Robb offered the dedication prayer at the grave site.