Nothing is known to this generation of her early life. It was perhaps in 1817 that Sally Penn
married John Barton, son of William Barton and Nancy Hunter Barton. John was born 19 February 1796
in Orange County, North Carolina. It would be interesting to know the details of their courtship and marriage.
They took up a homestead in Lebanon, St. Clair County, Illinois, where they were blessed with
10 children.
Sally heard the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter—day Saints preached by the humble servant
of God, Elder Wilford Woodruff, and believed. She was baptized in 1835. (It is presumed that
her husband, John, was baptized at this time also.)
After joining the Church, it was her one desire to see the Prophet Joseph Smith and hear him
preach. So, no doubt accompanied by her husband, she rode horseback to Nauvoo to accomplish
this great desire.
It was a sad time for Sally when her dear companion was called by death the 13th of November
1846 at their home in Lebanon, leaving her a widow at the age of 46. These would be trying
times for her and her family because the Saints were enduring severe persecution at the hands
of wicked mobs. As fast as possible the church leaders were arranging for the Saints to make
the Journey to the Rocky Mountains so they could live in peace and safety.
By John B. Topham
John Barton, son of William Barton and Nancy Hunter Barton, was born 19 Feb. 1796 in the State of North
Carolina (name of town is not recorded). Sally Perm, his wife was born in Elbert county, state of Georgia
on the 15 of May 1800. They were married in the year 1817 or 18. No town or state recorded. She was the
daughter of Joseph Penn and Sally King Penn.
John and Sally Penn Barton lived in Lebanon, St. Clair county Illinois. Here all of their children were born,
the first being a daughter named Elizabeth, born 27 Dec. 1818. She died 27 Oct. 1823, age 4 years and 10 mo.
The next was a son, named William of which mere will fellow. John Wesley, a son was born Jan. 19, 1823. He died Aug.
14, 1841, age 18 years. Matilda J. a daughter was born June 25, 1825. She married twice, First to a man by the name
of Domeny. To them was born a son Charles H. Domeny, Second to a Mr. Nichols, (Jesse Barton Nichols), they had
three children. Julia King Barton was next, born 2l Dec 1828. Julia married a man by the name of William Gidney.
Joseph Penn Barton was next, born 11 May 1831. More about Joseph later. Sarah Penn was born Aug. 12, 1833 and died
Apr. 19, 1836. Eliza Ann was born Feb 24, 1836 and died Mar. 17, 1839 at age 3 years. Stephen Smith Barton was born
Jan 3, 1839. Will give more about him later John Samuel was born July 29, 1841. He was the last child.
Little can be found about John, only that he and Sally were Frontiers¬men, and very hard workers. John and his wife
heard of the gospel soon after it was revealed to the prophet Joseph Smith in 1829. They were converted to the new
religion by Wilford Woodruff. They embraced the gospel in March 1834. They lived and were persecuted along with the
other Mormons, during the rise of the church. They took a Homestead near Lebanon, St Clair Co. where they had their
children. Some of the older children saw and heard the Prophet Joseph Smith. John Barton lived but five years after
his son John Samuel was born. Sally, with several small children to raise, had a very hard time through the persecutions
of the Saints.
In the early fall of 1852 Sally Penn Barton with her three sons, Joseph Penn, Stephen Smith and John Samuel emigrated
to Utah and were sent on to Iron County and settled in Parowan, then known as Center Creek. They arrived in Parowan the
latter part of Nov. 1852. Having traveled to Utah by ox team. William, the eldest living son, had immigrated in the fall
of 1850 and remained in Salt Lake City until April or early spring, then was called to Parowan, arriving on May 7, 1857.
Sally P. Barton lived in Parowan until Dec. 1855 when the fort was built in Paragonah. They all moved to Paragonah and
lived in the old fort until spring of I860 to 1862 when they built homes.
Sally lived with one son for a while then with another. She was living with Joseph and his wife Eliza at the time of her
death which occured on May 11, 1882. (Jos P's birthday). She died 4 days before her 82 birthday.
William Barton, the eldest son and his wife Sarah Esther West Barton emmigrated to Utah in the fall of 1850, leaving Illinois
in the fore part of Sept and traveled by ox teams which took about three months. They remained in Salt Lake City all that winter
coming south to Iron County, arriving In Parowan on the 8th of May 1851. William and Sarah Esther had one son,
Joseph Alma, born Feb, 1, 1848 in Lebanon Ill. Wm. and Sarah Esther were married Feb 28, 1845 in Nauvoo, Ill., by Geo A. Smith.
Sarah Esther West was born Nov. 8, 1829 in Nashville Tenn.
William assisted in building the fort in Parowan and also the adobe fort in Paragonah. While building the latter they had to
travel down to Paragonah and back each day. William married Mary Williamson at Parowan on Aug 23, 1857. She walked from Paragonah
to Parowan to have the ceremony performed by Geo A. Smith first counselor to Pres. Brigham Young. William lived in the south west
corner of the fort in Paragonah until June 1860. At this time he moved to Minersville. Here another son, Stephen R. was born to wm.
and Esther on the 11th of July 1860. They remained a short time in Minersville then moved to Beaver. He located there and operated
a flour mill owned by White and Hyatt. He had the honor of making the first wheat flour in Iron county. The mill was owned by Smith
and Smith, this was operated by hand power.
Sarah Estella was born at Heaver on June 11, 1862. She married Morgan Griffith. Phillip Jackson was born at Beaver also (a twin)
on Jan 18, 1865. Hugh Jones Barton was born July 23, 1868, at Beaver. The above children are William and Esthers.
After marrying Mary Williamson Wm. had two families to look after. Mary came to Utah in the ill fated Martin Hand Cart company when
so many of them died. To Mary the following children were born: Mary Ann born 3 Jan 1862. Mary Ann married Charles Miller. Rachel born
June 23, 1863 died of snake bite Aug. 16, 1865. Amanda born July 9, 186, all at Beaver. Amanda married Herman B. Horsley.
They lived at Fort Cameron for about six years where he operated a flour mill and a Still. They then moved to Greenville a few miles
west of Beaver where he operated his own flour mill and Still. More children were born here. Rebecca Feb. 1869. Sepronia Jan 29, 1871.
Lydia Feb 16 1873, died Sept 11, 1873. Julie King Mar 2, 1875 married David James Miller; he dies and she then married Jos Hyrum Griffith.
Amy Elizabeth Sept 22, 1878, she married Jonathan David Prothero. Charles Hampton born Apr 14, 1880, he married Cleo Syster and four
children were born to them.
William and Mary moved to Paragonah is 1891 bringing four youngest children with them. They had built a new home in which they had lived
about four years when daughter Sephronia died May 26, 1895.
William and his wives were sturdy Pioneers having helped to colonize Iron County at Parowan and Paragonah (Red Creek.), Minersville,
Beaver, Greenville and back to Paragonah where he died Oct, 11, 1902. Wm. was among the first group of men to start a settlement at Red
Creek in 1852. It was abandoned Aug 1853. In 1854 they commensed the adobe fort as the 1st fort was made of posts stood on end to make
a stockade and fort. They moved into the fort in 1855.
Joseph Penn Barton was born May 11, 1831, Lebanon Ill. He lived there until the summer of 1852 when he immigrated to Utah and Iron
county locating in Parowan and later in Red Creek. He was the husband of two wives. He married the first Eliza Anderson May 21, 1854
and the second Lucy Ann Butler, October 1866, There were born to him from the first wife three boys, Ammasa Miles, Joseph Franklin
(who went on the Hole-in-the-Rock expedition) and James William and two girls, Eliza Ann and Mary Matilda. To the second was born
twelve children, four boys and eight girls.
Joseph Penn passed through all the hardships and privations resulting from the early settlement of this country. He was a hard worker,
a carpenter by trade, a first class workman. He was of a medical and surgical turn of mind and for years before the advent of medical doctors
was called upon to act as a physician among the people of Paragonah. He served as postmaster of Paragonah for a number of years. He with his
brother Stephen S. operated a cabinet shop and wood turning in the saw mill just east of town the mill was owned by John R. Robinson and Orson
B. Adams. The cabinet shop was put up by David Cluff. Some small tables, cupboards and chairs are still in use that Joseph P and Stephen S. made.
Joseph died in Paragonah Sept 15, 1912 at the age of 81 years.
Stephen Smith Barton was born Jan 3, 1839 in Lebanon Ill. He imigrated to Utah in 1852.He was a carpenter and farmer. He married two women,
First Jane Evans, to them was born three sons and five daughters. His second wife was Eliza Hoy(Smith), born to them were one son and four
daughters. Stephen was among the first group of 12 men to settle Paragonah. He was an Indian fighter. He served in the Ward Bishopric for
about 20 years, being bishop while the new church was built. He was Patriarch at the time of his death.
John Samuel Barton was the youngest child of John and Sally Penn Barton. He was but eleven years of age when he reached Parowan. He was
among the group selected by Pres Brigham Young to explore the Rio Virgin Country, also one of the exploring party on the South Fork of
Sevier River. He married Eliza Jane Gingell in Paragonah on Nov 6, 1861. To them were born five sons and four daughters. Like all the
others he endured the hardships and privations incident to conquering a new country. He died Dec. 6, 1913 at Paragonah.