Norma Jensen

December 24, 1904 - May 14, 1997


Norma Jensen

December 24, 1904

Born in Richfield, Sevier County, Utah


Jensen Family moved to Beaver City, Beaver County, Utah


Stayed home from school all winter to have tonsils out and help her mother take care of the baby sister Julia Faye.


Attended high school at the Murdock Academy.

June 26, 1927

Married Morris Douglas Thompson


In partners with her dad, Morris and Norma bought Puffer Lake, cabins and lodge.

July 9, 1930

Morris died in the Milford Hospitsl, Beaver County, Utah of a ruptured appendix.

May 11, 1937

Married Ray Robert Easton in Parowan, Iron County, Utah

July 12, 1938

Son Richard Jensen Easton was born.

October 2, 1939

Son Robert Ray Easton was born


Moved to the Ken Barton farm at the mouth of the Beaver Canyon


Ray went to work for the Union Pacific Railroad in Milford, Utah

About 1955

Bought the home on Highway 21 in Beaver


Purchased 7 acres of land from Neils Jensen in order to build a barn and a new house.


Railroad closed the Milford, Utah stop and so Ray was transferred to Las Vages, Nevada

May 1975

Ray retired from the railroad

November 9, 1986

Ray passed away in the University of Utah hospital in Salt Lake City, Utah

November 1996

Norma moved to the Nursing Home at the Beaver City Hospital

May 14, 1997

Norma passed away peacefully in the Beaver City Hospital


This page last updated on April 19, 2012 .