Lived to the age of seventy-one
Inez at age seventy
Marker at the base of a flame maple tree planted at Terre Haute's Roselawn Memorial Park Cemetery in honor of Inez.
Picture taken during the summer of 1999

The following letter was written by Inez's youngest son Dave shortly after her death.  It was read at her funeral by the presiding Rev. Doug Voyles.

A few years ago on the eighteenth birthday of one of my children, I took the opportunity to write him a letter to formally commemorate his entry into adulthood. Among the thoughts were the following: "We have often struggled through our roles as father and son, teacher and pupil. Now, as the years pass, we can begin to develop the additional relationships of peers and friends." I am very familiar with this evolution of family roles because I learned it from the woman we are here to honor today. She taught me that throughout life, a parent never ceases being parental, never stops worrying, always wants to offer advice or lend a hand. But she also showed me how to let go. How to switch from being Captain of a child's life, to crew for a young adult. To underscore the point, I believe it is safe to say that I have made enough errors in judgment in my couple of decades at bat to satisfy a lesser masochist for life. Through it all, Mother patiently (and with reasonable accuracy) predicted outcomes, offered objections, and generally did the Mom thing. But, more importantly, she was always there; always available to talk it through, go for a ride, share a cup of coffee, maybe even bare her own soul a little. Not many "I told you so's," just the ones I deserved. From the day I left home, she never stopped her job as my parent, she just added the new dimension of friendship. I only hope I do as well for my children. In closing, I can say with certainty that if she could offer me advice today, it would be of the positive sort. Chin up. Remember our times together. Search for what's good in the world. Move on with life... Of course I will do these things. For me, however, this world will always be a little lonelier place without my teacher, my friend, my Mom.


This page last updated on December 26, 2009 .