Charles Edwin (Ed) Larson
March 11, 1903 - July 27, 1992

Ann Clerynth Jensen Larson
September 7, 1899 - April 17, 1987

Ed and Clerynth in 1977

Clerynth (Jensen) Larson

Ann Clerynth Jensen Larson was born September 7, 1899 in Beaver, Utah to Niels and Katie Bell Levi Jensen. Shortly after her birth, her parents moved to Beaver, Utah.

On December 24, 1904 she experienced a most unusual Christmas surprise that later turned out to be one of the treasures of her life. Little Clerynth went to bed with visions of Santa dancing in her head. Just before midnight, she awoke with a start; she could hear a baby crying (and that didn't sound anything like sleigh bells that she had hoped to hear!) Then a cousin carrying something, walked into where Clerynth was sleeping and showed her this very special bundle. ...It was a new baby sister "Norma" ... All Clerynth could say was "Oh, take her away". It seemed that this baby hadn't been on her Christmas list. Even so the two sisters dearly loved each other and were close friends throughout the rest of their lives.

When Clerynth was about nine or ten years old, her family left Richfield and moved back to Beaver. She now had two sisters, Norma and Letty Marie. The girls were great pals and as they grew up, they did everything together. In Beaver, Clerynth attended the Murdock Academy. She loved school and was always a top scholar. She was such an exceptional student that while she was in High School, she was often called upon to substitute for her teachers at the school. Her years at the Academy were happy ones filled with hard work and good times. In the early morning, she would milk five cows before walking or driving a horse and buggy the two miles distance to school. Despite the long walk and winter cold, she loved school and graduated from Murdock Academy top of her class.

In the fall of 1919, Clerynth left home, traveled by train to Salt Lake City to attend the University of Utah. In the winter she was preparing to come home for Christmas recess. She received a card telling her that her mother had just given birth to a new baby sister! What a shock! Poor Clerynth hadn't even known that her mother was pregnant. Grandmother hadn't wanted to concern Clerynth because she was afraid that she wouldn't go to college if she realized that another baby was due. With the unexpected announcement of Julia Faye's birth, Clerynth was confused, angry, sad, hurt and happy all at the same time!

Upon receiving her State Normal Certificate from the University of Utah, she began her 40 year teaching career. Her first position was in Hennifer, Utah. Next she was assigned to teach in Highland Boy where she met her dashing-future husband, Edwin "Greaser" Larson. Ed recognized something unusual about this new teacher; she was different, she was always beautifully dressed with hats and matching accessories, she was stylish, immaculate, her diction was perfect, and she walked with great dignity and pride. She truly was very, very special.

One snowy evening, Ed came a "courting". He was in his finest bib and tucker with a lovely bouquet in hand for the new school marm. Suddenly he slipped on the ice, crashed down the steps, slid right on through the front door and landed on his stomach inside the apartment. Looking up with a silly grin on his face, he said "Hi" and handed her the flowers. He had literally "fallen" for Clerynth. They were married June 1, 1927, and moved to Beaver where they continued a close relationship with parents and sisters.

The Pearce children became her own family and as generous as Letty and Earn were to share their children, Clerynth and Ed returned the same generosity with shoes, coats, clothes and love. Today, those nieces and nephews pay tribute to Aunt Clerynth as their second mother.

Clerynth and Ed managed Puffer Lake Resort for over 30 years. The work there was hard, and seemingly never ending, but because they were unafraid of hard work and loved nature and animals so much, the years as the Lake brought the best to anyone who visited there. Aunt Clerynth was an immaculate housekeeper. She loved to do handwork and did beautiful tatting. Her hankies, table clothes and pillowcases were always real treasures. She was a wonderful cook with specialties such as: carrot pudding, cream of tomato soup, "Toad in the Hole" and MUSH. Oh Boy, how could anyone forget her breakfast, Mush; and who dared complain.

She was a member of the Literary Club, and served as Captain of the D.U.P., Beaver District three years and Anderson Camp until her death. She worked with the restoration of the Old Courthouse and felt a deep sense of pride with all that the community accomplished.

She was an active member of the L.D.S. Church serving as a Sunday School Teacher for many years, president of the M.I.A. and Cultural Refinement Instructor for the Relief Society. She always loved to sing and was a member of several church choirs throughout her life.

Clerynth's greatest calling came as a teacher. Often times the principal would ask Clerynth to teach the roughest, toughest bullies of the school penmanship knowing these boys would eventually "give in" to her strict discipline, dedicated praise and to her love. Years later many paid tribute to her with cards, letters and gifts. She was dearly loved by her family and her students.

One of the happiest moments in her marriage to Uncle Ed was when they were sealed in the St. George Temple for time and eternity. She loved him very much and realized a lifetime dream when they went to the temple. Clerynth was an old-fashioned woman who treasured the basic values of family, friendship and religion. She was stately, noble, honest, dedicated, generous and loving. Her spirit touched many lives because of her unselfish service here on earth.

Ann Clerynth Jensen Larson died April 17, 1987 in St. George, Utah.

Written by: Candy (Lish) Fowler, great niece of Aunt Clerynth. This was given as the Eulogy at Clerynth's funeral Monday April 20, 1987 in Beaver, Utah.

Photo taken June 2, 1927

Clerynth and Ed on their wedding day.

Photo taken July 2, 1936

Ed and Mother in law Katie Bell (Levi) Jensen.

Photo taken 193?

Clerynth school teacher pictures.

Photo taken 1977

Clerynth and Ed on their front porch. Photo taken in 1977.

Photo taken in 1936

Ed and Clerynth's pet deer at the Puffer Lake Resort.


This page last updated on January 01, 2010 .