Robert photos Growing Up

Robert, Clare, Joni, Richard fishing Otter Lake

David Pearce, Robert and Richard, and Douglas Pearce

David, Robert, Richard and Doug

Faye Williams, Norma Easton
Clare, Robert, Richard and Eddie Pearce

Robert, Richard and Schwin Bicycle bought from money earned
from selling Night Crawlers to fishermen.

Robert and Bike

Richard, Robert, Mike Gaddis and Clare Williams.
Mike was a friend of who came to Puffer Lake in the summer.

Boots and Robert at the Farm

Richard, Robert, Doug Pearce
Neils Jensen and Chid Packard

Doug, Joni, Eddie Pearce
Candy Lish and Robert

Beaver 3rd Ward Basketball Team
Robert Easton, Rance Rollins, Cliff Yardley, Blake Smith, Richard Easton
Coach Don Neeley, Eugene Lund, Clare McMullin, and Garth Morgan

Robert, Ray and Richard hauling logs from the Beaver mountains
to be sawed into lumber used to build the barn

Ray, Richard and Robert with fish caught in the Minersville Resivoir in 1966

Ray and Robert hunting deer in Wyoming

Ray and Robert at the Ranger's Cabin

Richard and Robert at the Ranger's Cabin

Robert with the new colt Queen.

Robert with colt Queen

Robert with Lady and her colt.

Robert with Lady and her colt.

Richard's Wedding to Susan O'Connor in 1962

Robert in 1962

Robert and Madge in 1962

Madge Catherin Pearce and Robert Ray Easton married in 1962

Nola and Dave Pearce, Ray and Norma Easton
Madge and Robert Wedding

Easton Children in 1970
Holly, Kari, Kristen and Lori and Mark

1975 Kari, Mark, Kristen and Holly
Lori Brad and baby Lynnette

1975 Kari, Mark, Kristen and Holly
Lori Brad and baby Lynnette

1975 Kristen, Madge, Ray and Robert
Lori, Kari baby Lynnete

Norma and Ray with the whole family in 1975
